GM Notes
Shadow of the Demon Lord: A Bag of Dyx

My Notes on Shadow of the Demon Lord

I'm using this to capture my impressions and thoughts of the game as I run it. It's not really a review, but rather something adjacent to that. I had previously read Shadow of the Demon Lord (SotDL) and had a positive impression of it. I liked the strong, short level progression and it's tight coupling to adventure arcs. As someone who has had many open ended campaigns sputter out, the prospect of establishing the length of the game arc beforehand, and having the structure of play support it seemed really fantastic.

That said, grimdark has never really been my thing. I loved chargen and advancement in Warhammer FRP, but the actual game and setting never really moved my needle. I also have somewhat different experiences with very weak starting characters. I have never been one for a funnel game, but years of playing and running Rolemaster have made me very comfortable with and appreciative of a game where death looms large, especially for new characters.

So, those were my impressions as I picked up the book to prep for the first session. What follows is what I found along the way.

General Observations


Inevitable Comparisons to D&D


Random Thoughts